Discovery at Home

Family Play and Learning at Home

Children learn through play, and these resources are intended as guidelines and inspirational starting points that can be adapted to your situation and your child. Expanding on your child’s curiosity is always the primary goal, even if that looks different than what the activity instructions suggest. We hope the links below inspire fun and interactive ways to play, learn, and explore with your children.

You will find these resources in each of six languages—please let us know if this is helpful for your family or if there are other languages you would like to see. Email us at fun [at] (fun[at]discoveryacton[dot]org) with your feedback. 

Backyard and Beyond

Flower Take Aparts

Make a Bee Hotel

Mud Painting

Observing Outdoor Sounds

Simple Scavenger Hunt Ideas

Spring Nature Observations

Things To Do with a Rock

Everyday Engineering

Make a Paper Helicopter

Make a Masterpiece

Cardboard Creations

Foamy Fun Shaving Cream Art

Rain Art Experiment


Move Your Body

Animal Movements

Thank you to Yawkey Foundation for the support that made these language translations possible
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