Business & Corporate
Corporate Engagement and Sponsorship Opportunities
We offer many ways for companies to engage with the Discovery Museum, from employee volunteerism through sponsorship.
Company-sponsored Employee Family Admission
We offer scalable options to provide free admission to the Discovery Museum for your employees and their families.
Gallery or Exhibit Sponsorship
$1,000/$2,500/$5,000/$10,000 levels
Showcase your support for the Discovery Museum with your business name and logo for twelve months of prime visibility to visiting families, school groups, educators, renters of our facilities, and our community at large.
Discovery Museum Speaker Series
$1,000/$2,500/$5,000 levels
Sponsorship aligns your business with issues facing families today and is an excellent way to achieve your strategic marketing and philanthropic goals. At-event visibility and widespread advance promotion (of 5-6 events per year) create broad visibility for your organization.
Find out how your company can support the Museum and engage your employees. Contact Tobey Fossey at 978-264-4200 ext. 124 for more information.
Educational Program Sponsorships
$1,000+ levels
Have your business name associated with a program that aligns with your corporate values. These regular programs, marketed widely, focus on early STEAM, outdoor learning, nano science, STEAM exploration and more.
Open Door Connections: Sponsoring access for all families
$1,000+ levels
Free Friday Nights; free evenings for families with children with sensory sensitivities, who are on the autism spectrum, have vision loss, or are deaf or hard of hearing; $1 Anytime EBT Admission; and more.
Development Staff
If you have any questions about supporting the Museum or we can help in any way, please contact our Development staff. The Museum's main number is 978-264-4200, our direct extensions are below:
tfossey [at] (Tobey Fossey), Senior Director of Development, ext. 124
hrosenzweig [at] (Heather Rosenzweig), Development Operations Manager, ext. 113
edorsey [at] (Liz Dorsey), Assistant Director of Development for Grants, ext. 131
mkuschner [at] (Meghan Kuschner), Development Associate, ext. 134