It's the small things: Update from our CEO April 2020
Video transcript; please see end for additional content.
Hi, I'm Neil Gordon, I'm the CEO here at the Discovery Museum, and as you look around behind me, you can see that I am here at the Museum by myself. I don't normally do [these updates] via video, but I thought it would be good to have this chance to talk to you more directly.
These are unprecedented times, and I’ve come to notice that in the midst of very big things, it’s really the small things that I miss the most.
With the Museum closed, I miss all the voices of the kids and families here. Without our school classrooms to visit, without being able to get together with the staff team, we find ourselves missing a lot of the small things about serving and being among our community of visitors. We miss sharing and delighting in your explorations and discoveries.
At the same time, I worry about the things that kids and families are missing in their lives. The loving hugs of grandparents and friends; the ability to explore things around them without fear; the joy of discovery with their friends; the reassurance and support of their teachers. For kids in many places, time outdoors, playing freely. The normalcy of a family outing, together.
The absence of things brings a heightened appreciation for them. We all likely have own list of the things we appreciate more now, those things we want to be sure to do a better job of enjoying, savoring, and giving thanks for in the future.
I am looking forward re-opening your museum, to making it possible for a “normal” family experience here together.
As much as I appreciate all the really extraordinary things that the Museum team does, what feels most important to me now is being able to provide for kids and families the everyday, small experiences that will a signal to them that normalcy has returned, that they are ok, that the world around them is ok.
It’s really the small things that are going to be the big things.
One of positive things that has come out of the pandemic is the opportunity for our staff to find new ways to connect with you and to support your family’s learning experiences at home. Over the past few weeks we have developed new content for families who are playing and learning at home, and for teachers who are providing distance learning for their students. Visit our website and check out our social media accounts to connect with us and see what we’ve developed for you.
We really miss you. We miss our members, our visitors, our community, and we look forward to a return to normalcy, when we can all enjoy the small things together again.
If there is something you think we can be doing for you now, please don’t hesitate to email me at ngordon [at] If you are able to help us with your support, please do.
Please stay well, stay healthy. We look forward to seeing you again
Neil Gordon
2019 Annual Report of Discovery Museum
Although even recent weeks can seem like months ago, we'd like to take a moment to reflect on the very strong 2019 we had, thanks to the support of our you, our community. With your support, we served 22% of our total for free or nearly free, redeveloped our Learning Framework, brought in our first-ever traveling exhibit, and ended the year with nearly 5,000 member families, the most in our history. Our staff accomplished many other big and small things as well--all because you believe in and support our mission and work. The 2019 Annual Report of Discovery Museum encapsulates what you made possible, and serves as our Thank You to you.