Discovery Museums celebrate what's to come
from The Beacon
By Bill Fonda
bfonda [at]
Right now, it's a large patch of dirt set off from the rest of the Discovery Museums property by a chain-link fence.
But an architectural rendering on the fence shows what's upcoming in the site's future -- the Discovery Woods play area for children and families. Groups of dignitaries took shovels to a symbolic pile of dirt during a groundbreaking ceremony Oct. 24 in conjunction with Discovery Museums' Evening of Thanks event for supporters.
"It's really fun to see that dirt moving and what's going on here," Discovery Museums board member and building committee chairwoman Lees Stuntz said.
The centerpiece of the $1.5 million project will be an accessible treehouse and learning center designed by The Treehouse Guys of Warren, Vermont. A nature path and outdoor exhibits will also be included. Children with mobility, developmental or behavioral differences will be able to use Discovery Woods ... READ MORE