Creating Communal Gifts with Chanel Thervil

Monday, April 15 through Friday, April 19 | 10:00am to 12:00pm & 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Cost: Free with admission

Whether it be a school, library, place of worship, or even a museum, spaces where communities gather make life more vibrant. Join us for a special program series with inaugural Artist-in-Residence Chanel Thervil as she invites you to create a gift for a community space you cherish. Chanel will bring these individual creations together in a one-of-a-kind art installation titled Communal Gifts that will remain on display in the museum.

To learn more about artist and educator Chanel Thervil and her work, visit her website

This event is made possible by the Greater Lowell Community Foundation—thank you!

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