Bessie's Closet - Sorting Volunteers

Besssie's Closet is a free clothing store open to all.

Bessie’s Closet, a pop-up free clothing "store," will be held at Discovery Museum May 2 - 4, 2025.   It will be open for free to all members of our community.

The items available in the store are collected via donations collected at the Museum from visitors, staff, and other community members; donations will be accepted April 1-27. 

Volunteers are needed to help to sort these items by article type and size, fold them neatly, and pack them away. This is a critical task which ensures that a variety of article types and sizes are readily available and easily restocked in the store. 

Volunteers shifts are a minimum of one hour. Volunteers are needed to help sort at Discovery Museum at the following times:

  • Saturday, April 12, between 9am and 11:30am
  • Wednesday, April 23,  between 1:30pm and 4:30pm


Volunteer Signup Form